
RESO-BelLeasing is a car sales project for which we updated the website and automated customer service by adding a personal account.
We thus helped it to become the first among the leasing companies to offer the whole leasing document package to be filed online. Which also makes things easier thereafter. Insurance, certificates, excerpts are all in the customer's personal account. Everything is now just as you like it, in the comfort of your own home.
For whom might it be interesting?
For those who want to cut costs and drop the unnecessary processes. For those who finally saw how many tasks can be solved automatically without involving the specialists. For those who want to tune out from their competitors and offer their customers a modern service of quality. For those who are in b2b sales of goods or services.
Such as other leasing companies, insurance companies and other financial institutions. Even for a polyclinic.
Whose request it was?
A RESO subsidiary provides services for the small and medium-sized businesses. It is among the ten largest leasing companies in Belarus. Its main activity is financial leasing of new and commercial vehicles.
One of our first and favourite projects, rassrochka.bel, not only had made us famous and had given us huge experience in e-commerce, but also produced regular customers. It was thanks to rassrochka that RESO-BelLeasing noticed us and invited to participate in their tender. Which we obviously won. And we also realised another project which was great in terms of both fin tech and process automation.
What was the request?
Update the existing website which was difficult to manage, in view of the latest events, to perform marketing activities and administration. Plus, a new section was required. A catalogue of cars, partners was necessary.
We had to design a new website from scratch, with improved functionality, with every aspect thought through at the beginning and considering everything that might be needed in terms of marketing.
Additionally, a personal account was required to make leasing application submission automatic. The thing is, it is a huge questionnaire which might take several times to fill out. So we had to provide the possibility to finish it within several stages. There was also the need to view current agreements and their respective payment calendars. Long story short, all the document flow had to be moved online.
The personal account had to facilitate application processing, as well: papers, insurance and other small yet frequent requests.
Who made it?
Ilya Filipenko was in charge of the updated design and personal account. He designed almost 140 screens to show all statuses and take every detail into account.
Ilya Zavilensky was in charge of back end.
Denis Maksimov was trusted with front end. He is scrupulous to a degree that when he saw how the customer filled the website (incorrectly) he made a template for them and filled one page himself to show all the possibilities the updated website and the personal account offer.
Project managers were Dmitry Parchinsky and Maksim Bontsevich at different times.

How long?
Development and approval of the website and personal account designs took about 3 months. Development took 4 months for the website and 3 months for the personal account. It should be noted that some processes were in parallel. So the project took 10 months in total.
Why is it cool for the customer?
Each new deal requires to collect a whole folder of documents and certificates. Many of them are often forgotten. So a customer has to make several trips to the company office. Plus, the questionnaire itself is a whole novel. And it is impossible to fill it out in one seat. You might say it is easy to make the questionnaire an online one. You wish!

Cars are leased to legal entities and individuals
The former may have different taxation rules, the latter may have different registration and residence addresses. And there's plenty of such details. So what should be done?
We made a questionnaire with a lot of interdependent fields. That is, the next step is determined by which box was checked in the previous question. It is a dynamic form due to a large number of validations. There are 300 fields in total. They can be filled out in several stages. Load all the documents required and send them to a manager for approval. After that, the application status will be shown in the personal account. And once approved, you can visit the office with all the documents collected, printed out and verified. And if you decide to lease another car, you will be able to use all the previously uploaded documents again.
The personal account also has an online request section. Just imagine, we collected the whole 50 categories of requests. An adaptive mask is in place allowing to collect and display the necessary form based on a customer's tasks. Then the request is sent to 1C where it is processed by a manager, the necessary document is attached, status changed in the personal account — and now you can download your certificate.
Why is it cool for the customer?
All text pages consist of blocks which makes it possible to construct a customised set of blocks in the admin section. They all are compatible. So the manager only has to fill the relevant content without referring to a developer and have a complete page as a result.
There is also a super constructor for request and form generation. Its logics are thought through to the last detail. For example, the car leasing questionnaire has a lot of fields which are interdependent and change based on the selected option. And the request generation section is systematised dividing all the requests in several types based on which it only takes several iterations to send an application to the manager, to travel abroad, for example. The manager will receive the request in 1C and process it and the customer will have the requested document in the personal account which can be easily printed out.
All these were implemented to:
Increase profit. The company can serve more customers this way with less time devoted to each of them and eliminating human errors. Plus, the personal account spares the employees from routine processes, such as filling out forms by hand.
Save time. Some tasks, such as order distribution among the managers, yield no money for the company, but they are required. Everything is automated due to integration with 1C and the personal account. Applications are added to the database and then distributed according to the managers' load.
Increase process efficiency. Approval of leasing requires attention and precision. And if the former requires a manager to fill out the forms by hand, we reduced it to only verifying the filled-out form against the supporting certificates.
Improve processes. ome business processes require long-term manual processing. Their automation, however, not only will result in optimisation within the company, but also improve its image among its customers. For example, in this case it is possible to submit all the documents online without visiting the office of the leasing company — it is the first case in Belarus.
Which technologies were used?
Front-end: React, Next.js are our main front end stack used for interfaces and Server Side Rendering.
Back-end: PHP, Laravel are our main back end stack, the most popular PHP framework currently.
Databases: PostgreSQL, Redis are used for reliable storage of the main data.
Server: Docker, Kubernetes allow cost reduction for server infrastructure maintenance, CI/CD processes.