How to automate the checkpoint system?

Concern for security, the desire for everything to be automated and controlled from a mobile phone, the ability to get to the parking without keys, calls, or conversations with security guards — everything leads to the development of an entire ecosystem. It can be used both in residential complexes, on the territory of logistics centers, cottage settlements, hotels, construction sites, and other places. What kind of ecosystem is it? What problems does it solve? Read our article.

What should a smart pass system be able to do?
A personal account of the resident
Firstly, of course, a smart pass system should be able to let residents into the territory. This will guarantee security and protect against uninvited guests. People will be able to get to their homes on their own, even if the guard has gone somewhere. It is enough to simply register by phone number, specify your full name and all your vehicles.
But what to do when you’re waiting for a courier with pizza, or a taxi, or a guest? Run to security or call them? You can pre-order a pass through the app and continue to do your business.
But what should if it is an unexpected visit, or you don’t know the car number, or the exact time of arrival, for example. Previously, you had to order a pass. Was it convenient? Definitely no. Especially, when you were busy when a taxi driver called and asked to contact security. Thanks to the application, now you can easily drop a link with an invitation, similar to how we used to share the location with friends in messengers. The person will receive a QR code and will be able to enter it.

Touch&Go by
If you constantly have the same visitors, then you can specify the phone numbers of family members\servants who should be given a permanent pass and manage lists and access rights through the same application.
By the way, if someone has come to you, you will receive a notification about it on your smartphone. Also, you can ask a smart station, for example, Alice, to open the barrier.
But the pass system is not the only charm of the app. It can turn the phone into a channel of interaction between residents and the service organization. You will no longer have to call to book an electrician, or find out when the electricity will be turned off from leaflets — the management company will be able to send notifications, answer questions and respond to problems.
Also, there are possible options where you can pay for housing and communal services, read the news feed, view the catalog of services, or transmit meter readings using the same app.

Touch&Go by
Among other things, statistics and reports on each tenant are available to the administrator. Monitoring compliance with the work schedule of contractors and managing the parking work hours are also available.
Administration’s personal account
Thanks to registration in the application by name and phone number, the administration staff has a constantly updated database of residents.
The administration can also manage access rights for security personnel and set up “Whitelists” for those who do need to pass but do not live on the territory. For example, store employees, service personnel, etc.

Well, as mentioned above — it is possible to send messages to homeowners and respond to their requests. This greatly facilitated communication and eliminate the usual stereotypes when it is impossible to get through to the service to call the master, for example. Or when a lot of full containers have accumulated on the garbage disposal site. Agree, everyone faces similar situations repeatedly.
Among other things, statistics and reports on each tenant are available to the administrator. Monitoring compliance with the work schedule of contractors and managing the parking work hours are also available.
A personal account of the security officer
There is a visualization of the waiting list, which displays statuses, for example, “a guest has arrived”, “there is no pass”.
Additionally, the opening of the barrier from the interface is provided in case of any problems, and communication with guests via the “contact the dispatcher” button is available.
It is also possible to implement complex scenarios of entry into the territory. For example, set a limit for a certain vehicle depending on the day of the week or time of day.
If you download databases of numbers, it is possible to automate the access for special equipment (ambulance, fire service, police, etc.).

What does the access control ecosystem consist of?
The most basic set is an application for residents, a personal account of the administration, and a personal account for security.
Of course, some kind of CRM, in which all information, analytics, history, and other data will be stored.
Also, there is ready-made or proprietary solution that will allow you to read numbers and check whether they are included in the database.
Additionally, a Smart Kiosk can be installed, which will allow you to read the QR code from the application. This is necessary if pedestrians, cyclists, and other types of transport that do not have a license plate are often required to enter the territory.

Why is such an ecosystem needed?
Firstly, it is a significant time saving for all participants in the chain, starting with the owner of the housing, ending with security and administration. Secondly, these are additional security guarantees — each visitor will be displayed in the system according to their status. Analytics will be available: how long he was on the territory, how often he came, etc. And if this is not always relevant for residential complexes, then, for example, such information will help logistics companies or construction sites to optimize time, reduce employee negligence.
Thirdly, it increases the loyalty of users due to the high level of service and the introduction of modern technologies. This cannot but affect the image and status of the object. Accordingly, it raises its price.
Also, by automating the process of ordering passes and accounting for guests at any real estate objects, the throughput increases, and the working time of employees is saved, which means that the cost of physical security of the object is reduced.
In the case when we are not talking about a residential complex, thanks to such an ecosystem, it is possible to control the arrival, and departure of employees, and their movement around the territory.

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