Quality Assurance

What happens to a project if you exclude testing from it

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How was it before?

A long time ago: QA was the one who came in last on a project, found everything wrong and made the client spend even more money. But that's all changed now.


Testing was a low priority project phase at the end of the overall development.

Bug fixes in the final stages of development were an additional (and costly!) expense for the project.

πŸ”₯ Now

Testing is performed at every stage of software development.

Bug fixes save time and resources.

The most frequent doubts about QA

Have you ever heard his from hesitate clients? We leave the arguments against.

What are the consequences
of late QA involvement?

Let's look at some cases where QA is not involved early enough, or not at all, in the project

QA has never done any testing

QA has never done any testing

  • Nobody will be happy with the result. Users will find a lot of bugs while working with the products and leave negative reviews that can damage the client's reputation.
  • The ultimate responsability will lay on the development team and dissapointed client will never work with it again.
  • Users are forced to take on the role of QA, which leads to angry bug reports such as "I just clicked and everything went bad".
  • Client can come back to the team with a lot of requests for fixes. But without regression testing, they may break functionality that worked before.
QA comes in at the final stage of the project

QA comes in at the final stage of the project

  • QA will need extra syncs with the team to clarify issues and to get the full project vision
  • It may be too late to improve anything in the project and too late for QA to spot the holes in the business logic
  • Testing process will take more time, delaying project release

What's the best way to work with QA now?

Requirements analysis + QA
Step 1

Requirements analysis + QA

Performed at the requirements stage

Goals and objectives:

  • Ensure that the client's requirements have been correctly interpreted and remain accurate, clear, and consistent

  • Identify errors and inconsistencies in the business logic of the software being designed at an early stage.

  • Gain an understanding of what the project is about, grasp the business needs, understand the business objective of the product being developed, and determine what is expected from the team as the executors

  • Estimate the amount of time needed for testing

Design + QA
Step 2

Design + QA

Focused on identifying logical errors in prototypes.

Goals and objectives:

  • Highlight problematic/unobvious future in the product

  • Preparation of initial test documentation

  • Conduct of usability tests with evaluation of user friendliness

  • Dive into project details and specifics

Development + QA
Step 3

Development + QA

Depended on the pace of development. When something is ready, QA tests individual modules of the product using different testing methods and approaches.

Goals and objectives:

  • Help the developer to verify that the software works and performs its intended tasks

  • Find the bugs during unit testing and highlight problem areas in the development stage.

End-to-end QA
Step 4

End-to-end QA

Performed when the project is almost complete.

End-to-end testing (E2E) checks software from start to finish, including its integration with external services. The goal is to verify the entire software system to ensure that a complete user scenario works successfully.

What is included?

  • Cross-browser or cross-platform testing to verify the full functionality and user interface across a range of browsers and operating systems.

  • Regression testing to ensure that the latest changes haven't broken functionality that was working before

  • Evaluation of the the overall product quality or providing a test report

  • Execution of the full range of possible user scenarios.

Our QA Tariffs

Each of the provided plans includes the detection, localization, description and retesting of bugs/issues. The depth of the testing will not only affect the number of hours, but also the final quality of the released product. It also depends on the complexity of the project and its implementation.

Only smoke-testing
Only smoke-testing

of the development costs

Scope of work

  • A minimal set of tests aimed at finding obvious bugs

  • Testing only the most basic functions of the mobile/web application being developed

  • Involving QA only to test fully completed modules and at the final stage of project development

What you get

  • Short-form test report

Smoke-testing & Critical-path testing
Smoke-testing & Critical-path testing

of the development costs

Scope of work

  • Verification of all possible standard application use cases

  • Minimum set of cases with negative scenarios (validations, display of user-understandable errors, fault tolerance/system crash testing)

  • Web: Testing of desktop and adaptive version of the website (if available) and cross-browser testing (Chrome/Safari)

  • Mobile: cross-platform testing (Android/iOS)

What you get

  • Improvement checklists

  • Detailed report of test results

Extended tests
Extended tests
from 30%

of the development costs

Scope of work

  • Smoke & Critical Path testing approach

  • Testing of web/mobile specific use cases (unstable or weak internet connection, light/dark themes, memory leaks)

  • In-depth testing of all likely user cases

  • In-depth testing of negative scenario cases (downloading invalid or large files, performing basic operations with broken connection, incoming call (Mobile) or ad blocker (Web)

What you get

  • Improvement checklists

  • Regular and detailed report of test results