Food delivery & booking service 🍕
An aggregator of restaurants in different cities, which ordering food from any restaurant and booking tables.

From a technical point of view, the development of a platform for ordering from restaurants, which included a website, an administration panel for all orders, mobile applications for customers and mobile applications for restaurants. As a result, we did not have to integrate with anything, but simply build our own large system.
Serial entrepreneurs who wanted to launch their food delivery startup in the North Caucasus in 2015.
What they wanted?
They wanted to create a single food delivery service in the Northern Caucasus. It was supposed to be an aggregator of restaurants in different cities, which would allow you to order food from any restaurant and book tables.
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Short facts

Editing dimensions, ingredients
Dishes could be designed — adding and removing some ingredients, choosing another dimension etc.

Loyalty program
Own loyalty program with accumulation of points. They were received for actions, for example, for reviews, registration, orders, and spent on paying for the order.

Searching and sorting
Each restaurant differs in cuisine, opening hours, delivery conditions. We have thought of a convenient search for a restaurant by popular criteria, set up sorting so that filtering works instantly.

Application for restaurants
Own internal application for restaurants, where they process orders, work with reviews

Mobile application constructor
We made a mobile application constructor for clients, where you specify, roughly speaking, the color, logo and get minimal styling. It turns out that each restaurant can launch its own mobile application, which will not be associated with TikTak in any way, but will work completely on TikTak’s capacities in the background and process orders in the TikTak ecosystem.

In the cart, the function of ordering from several restaurants at once in one receipt was implemented. Additionally, you can use promo codes.

Based on geolocation, users can view nearby restaurants, sort by distance, and see the distance to a place both on the website and in the mobile app.

Each city has its own domain, this can be used for SEO to set up promotion in each city.
Who did the solution?
It was 2016, react native existed for only one year so far, and we are releasing the first commercial project on react native. Just because Nikita decided that this language would "blow up". This is how our mobile development in the company began.

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