An app for learning yoga poses
We've created an app for yoga students and teachers, as well as newly certified trainers, to help them learning the poses in more detail. It has functionality that allows you to test your knowledge with flash cards sets or exams.

Project Overview
The client had paper cards to learn yoga, but that wasn't enough - they decided to digitize the training system and make it as an app based on the back and design they already had, since there was a web version of yoga poses and breathing exercises.
In this app you can browse the library of poses and information about them, create your own collections of poses (stacks), learn different parameters of poses with the help of virtual cards and take exams to test your knowledge in this stack.
In addition to asana technique, users can read the name in Sanskrit with transcriptions or hear the audio soundtrack.
Target Audience
Students, teachers, amateurs, and newly certified yoga instructors who has aim to learn the poses in more detail.
There is a free version with a limited number of poses available and a subscription that unlocks paid content and allows you to receive updates.
You don't have to have an account to use the free version, all saved poses and data are stored locally on your device. You can set up push notifications based on user activity.
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