Why restaurants are choosing custom self-ordering kiosks in 2024Max Bantsevich, CEOFoodtechPaymentRestaurant App DevelopmentJul 16, 202410 minutes
How much does it cost to make an application?Max Bantsevich, CEOStartupiOSPaymentJan 10, 202412 minutes
What is the essence of RFID and NFC? And how to use them in the foodtech industry?Ilya Mazhugin, mobile developerFoodtechPaymentSecurityDec 15, 202313 minutes
A story about different payment methods told by a PR Specialist and a CEOMax Bantsevich, CEOPaymentOutsourcingNov 8, 20237 minutes
Pay what I want. The story of how and why different brands "play" with offline payment methodsNatalie Sokolova, communications expertE-commercePaymentSep 8, 20235 minutes