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Ilya Mazhugin
Ilya Mazhugin
mobile developer

5+ years of experience

Ilya is excellent with React Native and all its updates, but can also go into native languages, and even dig into backend. Completed courses in 3D modelling and studied node.js. AppConf.js participant and speaker at internal team events. 

Likes to start pet projects based on experiments he tests during development. Many of them then become the basis for projects for our clients. For example, integrating Unity code into a React Native app and working with React-native-for-web while building cross-platform Telegram mini-apps with existing mobile versions. He is passionate about new technologies and will persistently tweak code until it works perfectly. 

Tech stack:

JS (React Native, React.js), Node.js, Unity + C#


VSCode, Copilot, XCode, Android Studio, Unity


Yapoki, Hippo Parking  , Upjet (Puls), Sizl

6 Articles