Integrating Unity code into React Native. Part IIIlya Mazhugin, mobile developerReact NativeJun 28, 202414 minutes
Integrating Unity code into React NativeIlya Mazhugin, mobile developerReact NativeiOSMay 8, 202416 minutes
How to develop an iOS module for iBeacon in React Native?Maria Sidorevich, Lead Mobile DeveloperBLE technologyDelivery ManagementiOSReact NativeApr 26, 202414 minutes
Using BLE technology when working with beacon in React NativeMaria Sidorevich, Lead Mobile DeveloperFoodtechDelivery ManagementReact NativeBLE technologyMar 22, 202415 minutes
Guide to Cross-Platform Development Using React NativeMaria Sidorevich, Lead Mobile DeveloperReact NativeFoodtechMar 1, 202414 minutes
FoodTech mobile apps: What is important to know about?Natalie Sokolova, communications expertFoodtechDelivery ManagementRestaurant App DevelopmentJan 30, 202413 minutes
The prize sector, or how to make the user want to buy from youMax Lyubchuk, project managerFoodtechRestaurant App DevelopmentDec 27, 202313 minutes
What is the essence of RFID and NFC? And how to use them in the foodtech industry?Ilya Mazhugin, mobile developerFoodtechPaymentSecurityDec 15, 202313 minutes
React Native Splash Screen - support for different themesIlya Mazhugin, mobile developeriOSReact NativeDec 8, 202313 minutes
Why do car dealers need mobile apps?Natalie Sokolova, communications expertStartupNov 9, 20239 minutes
Are we testing mobile phones correctly, or what should QA pay attention to?Alexey Demidovich, lead QAQAAug 7, 202315 minutes